We are beginning a new weekly gathering on Wednesday evenings that we are calling Together: A Support Group for Practicing Faith and Action. Each week we will begin with a centering practice, engage a topic regarding spirituality, community, or justice, and commit to actions we can take to live in the reality that, as Jesus said, "the kin-dom of God is among us." Our first two sessions will be a discussion of the United Church of Christ's statement on "Just Peace in Palestine" and how we might discern the voice of the Still Speaking God in current Middle East circumstances. We will meet at 7:15 beginning on July 24th both onsite in the chirch office and online here on Zoom.

Just Peace in Palestine 

For the first few weeks of our time Together, we will discuss the UCC General Synod Resolution on Just Peace in Palestine. We will use the following resources:
Copy of the Resolution
Study Guide for Resolution
United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network
The Kairos Document