The Daily: Tuesday December 3, 2024

Reading: Mark 13:24-37 (NRSV, The Message)
"Divine Spark" by Hannah Garrity | A Sanctified Art LLC |

These daily devotionals were orginally written for Advent 2020. While the challenges four years later are slightly different, the need for those who dream remains the same.
These devotionals are © 2020 A Sanctified Art LLC

from the artist | Hannah Garrity

This paper lace explores the poetic patterns in this Mark text. Stars fall to the lower part of the frame as a fig tree leafs out in the central circle. The fig tree creates a circular motif reminding us of the tree of life while also representing the sun and the moon in this text. With a celestial flow, lines circulate around the edges of the piece, replicating the pupil of an eye.

“And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake.”

In the time of COVID and in this season of Advent, we can see, now. We can see that systemic change is not just possible, but immediate. God has tried this before—we have glimmers in history. Can the human collective bring about God’s dream for the new heaven and the new earth? I can reach out and touch it. It is possible, immediately. We must choose it. In one of

Oprah Winfrey’s masterclasses, the late John Lewis shared how he was shaped by his mentor:² “Jim Lawson taught us the whole concept of the Beloved Community, this idea that in the bosom of every human being there is the spark of divinity and it is the spark of something that is sacred, and holy, and special, and that we don’t have a right to destroy.”³ The stars in this image depict that divine spark we are born with—that hope, those stars that have fallen from heaven and lodged themselves within each of us. Let us not be found asleep in this moment, this movement. Let us live into our spark. Let us seek it in each person we meet. prayer Breathe deeply as you gaze upon the image on the left. Imagine placing yourself in this scene. What do you see? How do you feel? Get quiet and still, offering a silent or spoken prayer to God.
2 Jim Lawson, b. 1928, is an activist and university professor. He was a leader and theoretician of nonviolence within the American Civil Rights Movement during the 1960’s.
3 Winfrey, Oprah. “Oprah’s Master Class, Remembering John Lewis.” Oprah Winfrey Network. July 19, 2020.

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