The Daily: Saturday December 9, 2023

Daily Lectionary Reading: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 (NRSV, The Message); Ezekiel 36:24-28 (NRSV, The Message); Mark 11:27-33 (NRSV, The Message)
I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed. I’ll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You’ll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You’ll be my people! I’ll be your God!
Ezekiel 36:26-28 (The Message)
So this passage weighs 2 tons, especially in the midst of our current circumstances in Israel and Gaza. However, it is important for us to hold and ponder.

There are, at least, a couple of messages in this passage, two prophetic streams. The prophet was writing specifically to the people of Israel, prophesying their return to God and God's restoration of their hearts and their land. As readers 3,000 years later, we are eavedropping on a personal, mythological conversation.

What might we hear from the Still Speaking God today in these passages?  Most clearly, across cultures and millenia, the prophetic call is for our spirits to be renewed and our hearts to be cleansed and softened - in relation to God, oursleves, one another, the planet, the cosmos. This is what God asks of us through the mouths and words of multiple faith traditions. As to the land-promise, God does not give particular people particular lands - to the extent that an anthropomorphised land-granting God gives land to people at all, God provides land to all people, all creatures to live in and cooperate with and share. We currently are in a season of being much more concerned about land and borders than we are our hearts. However, I choose to be naive enough to imagine that if we ALL were to intentionally and stubbornly focus on our own renewed spirits, cleansed and softened hearts, the land problem would take care of itself. 

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1 Corinthians 12 1 Corinthians 9 1 Samuel 13 1 Samuel 14 1 Samuel 15 1 Samuel 16 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 18 1 Samuel 19 1 Samuel 20 1 Samuel 23 1 Samuel 31 1 Samuel 5 1 Samuel 6 1 Samuel 8 1 Samuel 9 1 Thessalonians 2 Kings 2 Samuel 1 2 Samuel 2 2 Samuel 3 2 Samuel 5 Acts 10 Acts 11 Acts 1 Amos 3 Ark of the Covenant Belief Blessing Christ the King Cynthia Bourgeault Daily Lectionary Daily RCL David Day of the Lord Deuteronomy 11 Deuteronomy 34 Diversity Easter Ecstacy Esther Exodus 24 Ezekiel 36 Ezekiel 37 Faith Fifth Sunday in Lent Friday Before Palm Sunday Friday Before Proper 10 Friday Before Proper 5 Friday Before Proper 6 Friday Before Proper 7 Friday Before Proper 8 Friday Before Proper 9 Friday Before Reign of Christ Friday Before the Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany Friday Before the Fifth Sunday of Lent Friday Before the First Sunday of Advent Friday Before the Second Sunday of Advent Friday Before the Second Sunday of Lent Friday Before the Seventh Sunday of Easter Friday Before the Sixth Sunday of Easter Galatians 5 Genesis 11 Genesis 12 Genesis Gratitude HOmesexuality Homosexuality Hosea Inclusion Isaiah 32 Isaiah 42 Isaiah 59 Isaiah Jeremiah Jesus John Jonathan Judah Justice Luke 1 Luke 21 Luke 57 Luke Malachi 2 Mark 16 Mark 9 Mark Matthew Mental Health Micah 4 Monday After Proper 5 Monday After Proper 6 Monday After Proper 7 Monday After Proper 8 Monday After Proper 9 Monday After Third Sunday of Advent Monday After the Day of Pentecost Monday After the Fifth Sunday in Lent Monday After the Fifth Sunday of Lent Monday After the First Sunday of Advent Monday After the Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany Monday After the Second Sunday of Advent Monday After the Sixth Sunday of Easter Mysticism Numbers 8 Praise Pride Proper 6 Proper 7 Proper 8 Proper 9 Psalm 7 Psalm 8 Psalm 95 Reign of Christ Resurrection Samuel Saturday Before Christ the King Sunday Saturday Before Palm Sunday Saturday Before Proper 10 Saturday Before Proper 5 Saturday Before Proper 6 Saturday Before Proper 8 Saturday Before Proper 9 Saturday Before the Second Sunday of Advent Saturday Before the Seventh Sunday of Easter Saturday Before the Sixthe Sunday of Easter Saul Sixth Sunday of Easter Thanksgiving The Ascension of the Lorf Thomas Keating Thursday Befor the Sixth Sunday Of Easter Thursday Before Proper 10 Thursday Before Proper 5 Thursday Before Proper 7 Thursday Before Proper 9 Thursday Before The Fifth Sunday of Lent Thursday Before the First Sunday of Advent Thursday Before the Second Sunday of Advent Titus 1 Tuesday After Proper 5 Tuesday After Proper 6 Tuesday After Proper 7 Tuesday After Proper 8 Tuesday After Proper 9 Tuesday After Reign of Christ Tuesday After The Day of Pentecost Tuesday After the Fifth Sunday in Lent Tuesday After the Fifth Sunday of Easter Tuesday After the Second Sunday of Lent Tuesday After the Seventh Sunday of Easter Tuesday After the Sixth Sunday of Easter Tuesday After the Third Sunday of Easter UCC Wandering Heart Wandering Heat War Wedensday After Pentecost Wedensday After the Fifth Sunday or Easter Wedensday After the Third Sunday of Easter Wednesday After Christ the King Wednesday After Proper 4 Wednesday After Proper 5 Wednesday After Proper 6 Wednesday After Proper 7 Wednesday After Proper 8 Wednesday After the Fifth Sunday in Advent Wednesday After the Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Wednesday After the Fourth Sunday of Lent Wednesday After the Second Sunday of Advent Wednesday After the Sixth Sunday of Easter Welcoming Prayer Worship Year A Year B Zechariah nonhierarchical