The Daily: Wednesday June 19, 2024
Daily Lectionary Reading: Psalm 53 (NRSV, The Message); 1 Samuel 15:24-31 (NRSV, The Message); Luke 6:43-45 (NRSV, The Message)
Then Saul said, “I have sinned; yet honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel, and return with me, so that I may worship the Lord your God.” So Samuel turned back after Saul; and Saul worshiped the Lord.
1 Samuel 15:30-31 (NRSV)
1 Samuel 15:30-31 (NRSV)
God doesn't hold grudges. They do not mete out punishment. To read this passage too literally denies us of its wisdom.
Are there consequences for our actions? Undoubtedly. Sometimes there is an intervening grace that mitigates those consequences. Other times that doesn't happen.
In the story of Saul as found here (and remember, history is always told by the victors), Saul is facing the unavoidable consequences of his actions.
By these verses, Saul knows the jig is up. He turns to Samuel and asks him to walk with him so that he can go and worship God. And Samuel obliges. Samuel stands with Saul as Saul experiences the consequences of his action. What a model of he spiritual life.
Are there consequences for our actions? Undoubtedly. Sometimes there is an intervening grace that mitigates those consequences. Other times that doesn't happen.
In the story of Saul as found here (and remember, history is always told by the victors), Saul is facing the unavoidable consequences of his actions.
By these verses, Saul knows the jig is up. He turns to Samuel and asks him to walk with him so that he can go and worship God. And Samuel obliges. Samuel stands with Saul as Saul experiences the consequences of his action. What a model of he spiritual life.
Posted in The Daily
Posted in Daily Lectionary, Daily RCL, Year B, 1 Samuel 15, Wednesday After Proper 6, Samuel
Posted in Daily Lectionary, Daily RCL, Year B, 1 Samuel 15, Wednesday After Proper 6, Samuel
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